LUV Portable UV Sanitising Case Sanitising Toy Case

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Xgen Products

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Ensure safe intimate play with a valuable accessory that conveniently sanitises your pleasure products with a UV-C sanitising process that eliminates 99.9% of bacteria in only three minutes. The LUV Bag is compatible with a variety of materials, proving to be effective in disinfecting glass, silicone, ABS plastic and rubber. Plugs into any USB-compatible port.

The LUV bag's discreet and travel-friendly design is sized to accommodate most average-sized toys.

- UV-C is proven to kill 99.9% of viruses and bacteria without chemicals
- Compatible with any sex toy up to 35 cm

Proper cleaning of toys is crucial to reduce the chance of being affected by different forms of viruses and bacteria. UV-C kills various pathogens, bacterial propagules, spores, viruses, and fungi including but not limited to E. coli, influenza, eberthella typhi, bacillus dysenteriae, hepatitis, gonococcus, HMFD, norwalk, and tubercle bacillus.

Weight: 490 grams
Length: 14.7 cm
Width: 37 cm
Height: 8 cm
Package Weight: kg

Featured in: Sex Toy Cleaners